Slingerland/May Bell Spec Tables
Please note!! These dimensions and specs are taken from the instruments I own... if you have an instrument with different dimensions or materials, please let me know!

Also, some dimensions are averages... for example, Nite Hawk #3 has a waist that is 9 3/16" wide instead of the 9" width that the others have.  It is also a tad bit longer in the body, but only by a couple of sixteenths of an inch.  The overall length and scale length are the same as the other Nite Hawks.

Click here to open a page showing all the various tuning machines used on the instruments.  Numbers next to tuners in the tables refer to pictures on this page.
-- Updated 14 Dec 03 --


Body Sizes
Model Scale Nut width # Frets Lower Bout Upper Bout Waist Body thickness Body length Total length
81 (Songster) 25" 1 3/4" 19 or 20 15 1/2 " 11 1/8" 8 3/4" 3 5/8" 19 3/4" 41"
83 (Nite Hawk) 25" 1 3/4" 19 16" 11 1/2" 9" 3 5/8" 19 5/8" 41"
86 (New Marvel) 25" 1 3/4" 19 16" 11 1/2" 9 1/2" 3 3/4" 19 3/4" 41"
881-H (Hawaiian) 25" 1 3/4" 19 15 1/2" 11" 9" 3 5/8" 19 3/4" 39 1/2"
400 (Lap Steel) 24" 1 7/8" 26 or 27 11 1/2" 9" 7" 2" 15" 34"
40 (Ukulele) 14" 1 1/4" 12 6 3/4" 5 1/4" 4 1/4" Lower - 2 1/4"
Upper - 2"
9 1/2" 21"
181 & ???
(f-hole Songster Mandolin)
14" 1 7/8" 20 10 1/2" -0- -0- 2 1/4" 14 1/4" 26"

Body Materials
Model Back/Sides Top Neck Fingerboard Nut Inlay Binding Tailpiece Bridge Tuners
81 (Songster) 3-ply Curly Maple Spruce Maple Rosewood Bone MOP dot - 3, 5, 7, 9, 12, 15, 17 White celluloid, top, back, & fingerboard Solid or hinged Rosewood, some with bone saddle Open-back Grover plastic or metal button (03, 05, 06, 07)
83 (Nite Hawk) 3-ply Curly Maple Spruce Maple Rosewood Bone MOP pattern - 3, 5, 7, 9, 12, 15 White celluloid, top, back, fingerboard, & head Hinged Rosewood, some with bone saddle Open-back Grover metal button or unknown maker 3-on-a-plate plastic button (03, 04)
86 (New Marvel) 3-ply Curly Maple Spruce Maple Rosewood Bone MOP block - 3, 5, 7, 9, 12, 15 White celluloid, top, back, fingerboard, soundholes, & head Hinged Rosewood Open-back Grover metal button (27)
881-H (Hawaiian) 3-ply Curly Maple Spruce Maple Rosewood Bone MOP dot - 3, 5, 7, 9, 12, 15, 17 White celluloid, top, back, & fingerboard Hinged Rosewood, some with bone saddle Open-back Grover metal or plastic button (08, 09, 10)
400 (Ukulele) 3-ply Curly Maple Spruce Maple Rosewood Bone MOP dot - 3, 5, 7, 9, 12, 15, 17, 19, 21 White celluloid top, back, & fingerboard Solid Rosewood with bone saddle Open-back Grover plastic button (06)
40 (Ukulele) Birch Birch Maple None Ebony None None -0- Mahogany Friction, plastic button (23)
181 (f-hole Songster Mandolin) 3-ply Maple Spruce Maple Rosewood Bone MOP dot - 3, 5, 7, 10, 12 White celluloid, top and back Unknown make Ebony replacement Unknown tuners (21)
??? (f-hole Songster Mandolin) Solid Maple Spruce Maple Rosewood Bone MOP dot - 3, 5, 7, 10, 12 White celluloid, top and back Unknown make Ebony replacement Unknown tuners (21)

May Bell

Body Sizes - 1
Model Scale Nut width # Frets Head Style Lower Bout Upper Bout Waist Body thickness Body length Total length
Faux Reso, Brass 24" 1 3/4" 18 Slotted, wide taper, fancy curve 13" 9 1/2" 8" Lower - 4 1/8"
Upper - 3 1/4"
18 1/4" 36 1/2"
Faux Reso, Chrome 24" 1 7/8" 18 Solid, narrow, no taper, rounded end 13" 9 1/2" 7 7/8" Lower - 4"
Upper - 3 1/2"
18 1/4" 36 1/2"
Chinery & Koa Cathedranola 25" 1 7/8" 18 Solid, narrow taper 13 1/2" 9 1/2" 8 1/4" Lower - 4 1/4"
Upper - 3 1/8"
18 3/4" 37 1/2"

Body Materials - 1
Model Back/Sides Top Neck Fingerboard Nut Inlay Binding Tailpiece Bridge Tuners
Faux Reso, Brass 3-ply Birch 3-ply Birch Maple Maple, stained black Bone MOP dots - 5, 7, 9 White celluloid, top -0- Maple stained black, bone saddle Unknown 3-on-a-plate (13)
Faux Reso, Chrome 3-ply Birch 3-ply Birch Maple Maple stained black Ebony (replacement) MOP dots - 5, 7, 9 White celluloid, top -0- Maple painted black, bone saddle Grover 3-on-a-plate (14)
Chinery Cathedranola Mahogany Spruce Mahogany Gold Pearloid Bone Black celluloid dot - 3, 5, 7, 9, 12, 15, 17 Black celluoid, inlaid marquetry, top and back Solid Trapeze Rosewood, Bone Saddle Unknown 3-on-a-plate (04)
Koa Cathedranola 3-ply Koa 3-ply Koa Mahogany Rosewood Bone MOP Diamonds - 3, 5, 7, 9, 12, 15, 17 Black celluoid, inlaid marquetry, top and back -0- Maple (replacement), bone saddle Unknown 3-on-a-plate (11)

Body Sizes - 2
Model Scale Nut width # Frets Head Style Lower Bout Upper Bout Waist Body thickness Body length Total length
Old Pinnacle of Perfection 24" 1 7/8" 18 Slotted, wide taper, squared end 13" 9 1/2" 7 3/4" Lower - 3 7/8"
Upper - 3 1/4"
18 1/4" 37"
Small Body Pinnacle of Perfection 24" 1 7/8" 18 Slotted, wide taper, fancy curve, Pearloid covered 12 1/2" 9 1/2" 7 3/4" Lower - 3 7/8"
Upper - 3 1/8"
18 1/4" 37"
College Pal, curvy head 24" 1 3/4" 18 Slotted, wide taper, fancy curve 13" 9 3/4" 7 7/8" Lower - 4"
Upper - 3"
18 1/4" 36 1/2"
College Pal, narrow head 24" 1 3/4" 18 Solid, narrow, no taper, rounded end 13 1/4" 9 3/4" 7 3/4" Lower - 4"
Upper - 3 1/8"
18" 37"

Body Materials - 2
Model Back/Sides Top Neck Fingerboard Nut Inlay Binding Tailpiece Bridge Tuners
Old Pinnacle of Perfection Birch Birch Maple Ebony Ebony MOP dot - 5, 7, 9 None -0- Maple painted black, brass fret saddle Unlabeled Grover 3-on-a-plate (12)
Small Body Pinnacle of Perfection Mahogany Spruce Mahogany Rosewood Bone MOP dot - 5, 7, 9, 12, 16
(yes, 16!)
Celluloid, Black/White/Black top, Black back -0- Pearloid covered maple, brass fret saddle Grover 3-on-a-plate (15)
College Pal, curvy head Birch Birch Mahogany Ebony Ebony MOP dot - 5, 7, 9 Black painted on top only -0- Maple painted black, brass fret saddle Unlabeled Grover 3-on-a-plate (12)
College Pal, Narrow head Birch Birch Maple Pearwood (?), stained dark Ebony White celluloid - 5, 7, 9 Black painted on top -0- Maple painted black, brass fret saddle Unlabeled Grover 3-on-a-plate (01)

Body Sizes - 3
Model Scale Nut width # Frets Head Style Lower Bout Upper Bout Waist Body thickness Body length Total length
Style 0, Solid Head 24" 1 3/4" 18 Solid, narrow, no taper, rounded end 13 1/4" 9 3/4" 7 3/4" Lower - 4"
Upper - 3"
18 1/4" 36 3/4"
Style 0, Slotted Head 24" 1 3/4" 18 Slotted, narrow, no taper, rounded end 13 1/8" 9 5/8" 8" Lower - 4"
Upper - 3 1/8"
18 1/4" 37"
Style 0, Slotted Head 24" 1 3/4" 18 Slotted, wide taper, rounded end 13 9 1/2" 7 3/4" Lower - 4"
Upper - 3 1/8"
18 1/4" 36 1/2"
Style 5, Solid head 24" 1 3/4" 18 Solid, narrow, no taper, rounded end 13 1/4" 9 5/8" 7 3/4" Lower - 4 1/8"
Upper - 3 1/8"
18 1/8" 36 3/4"
Style 5, Slotted head 24" 1 11/16" 18 Slotted, wide taper, rounded end 13 1/8" 9 5/8" 8" Lower - 4 1/8"
Upper - 3 1/8"
18 1/8" 36 3/4"

Body Materials - 3
Model Back/Sides Top Neck Fingerboard Nut Inlay Binding Tailpiece Bridge Tuners
Style 0, Solid & Slotted head Birch Birch Maple Pearloid Ebony Black celluloid dot - 5, 7, 9 White celluloid, top -0- Maple, painted black, brass fret saddle Grover 3-on-a-plate (14, 12) & Unknown 3-on-a-plate (13)
Style 5, Solid head Birch Spruce Maple Ebony Ebony MOP dot - 5, 7, 9 White celluloid, top -0- Maple painted black, brass fret saddle Unknown 3-on-a-plate (16)
Style 5, Slotted head Birch Spruce Maple Maple, stained black Ebony MOP dot - 5, 7, 9 White celluloid, top -0- Maple painted black, brass fret saddle Unlabeled Grover 3-on-a-plate (12)

Body Sizes - 4
Model Scale Nut width # Frets Head Style Lower Bout Upper Bout Waist Body thickness Body length Total length
Style 7, Angel Decal, Rose Pearloid 24" 1 7/8" 18 Slotted, wide taper, rounded end 13" 9 1/2" 7 3/4" Lower - 3 7/8"
Upper- 3"
18 1/8" 36 5/8"
Style 7, Angel Decal, Grey Pearloid 24" 1 3/4" 18 Solid, narrow, no taper, rounded end 13 1/4" 9 3/4" 7 7/8" Lower - 4 1/8"
Upper - 3 1/8"
18 1/4" 36 3/4"
Style 7, Rose Decal, Rose Pearloid 24" 1 7/8" 18 Slotted, wide taper, rounded end 13" 9 1/2" 7 7/8" Lower - 4 1/8"
Upper - 3 1/8"
18 1/4" 36 3/4"
Style 84, f-hole archtop 24" 1 3/4" 19 Narrow, Slingerland style 15 1/4" 11 1/4" 9 1/2" Lower - 4 1/4"
Upper - 3 1/2"
19 39 1/2"

Body Materials - 4
Model Back/Sides Top Neck Fingerboard Nut Inlay Binding Tailpiece Bridge Tuners
Style 7, Angel Decal, Rose Pearloid Birch Spruce Maple Rose-colored Pearloid Bone White celluloid dot - 5, 7, 9 White celluloid, inlaid marquetry, top & back -0- Maple painted black, brass fret saddle Unknown 3-on-a-plate (18)
Style 7, Angel Decal, Grey Pearloid Birch Spruce Maple Grey-colored Pearloid Bone White celluloid dot - 5, 7, 9 White celluloid, inlaid marquetry, top & back -0- Maple painted black, brass fret saddle Unknown 3-on-a-plate (17)
Style 7, Rose Decal, Rose Pearloid Birch Spruce Maple Rose-colored Pearloid Bone MOP dot - 5, 7, 9 White celluloid, inlaid marquetry, top & back -0- Maple painted black, brass fret saddle Unknown 3-on-a-plate (18)
Style 84, f-hole Mahogany Spruce Maple Rosewood Bone MOP dot - 5, 7, 9, 12 White celluloid, top & back Hinged, extended Rosewood Unknown 3-on-a-plate (02)

Body Sizes - 5
Model Scale Nut width # Frets Head Style Lower Bout Upper Bout Waist Body thickness Body length Total length
Lap Steel 24" 1 7/8" 19 Slingerland 11 1/2" 9 1/4" 7 1/4" 2" 15" 35"
182 (f-hole Mandolin) 14 1/2" 1 7/8" 20 Slingerland 10 1/2" -0- -0- 2 1/4" 14 1/4" 26"
Tenor Guitar 23" 1 1/8" 19 Banjo style 13" 9 1/2" 7 7/8" Lower - 4 1/8"
Upper - 3 1/8"
18 1/4" 35 1/2"
46 (Ukulele) 14" 1 1/4" 12 Solid, shield shape 6 5/8" 5 1/8" 4 1/8" Lower - 2 3/8"
Upper - 2"
9 1/2" 21 1/8"

Body Materials - 5
Model Back/Sides Top Neck Fingerboard Nut Inlay Binding Tailpiece Bridge Tuners
Lap Steel Solid Maple body -0- -0- Rosewood Bone MOP dot - 5, 7, 9, 12 None Slingerland Rosewood, bone saddle Unknown 3-on-a-plate (19)
182 (f-hole Mandolin) Mahogany Spruce Maple Rosewood Bone MOP dot - 3, 5, 7, 10, 12 White celluloid, top and back Unknown make mandolin Rosewood, bone saddle Unknown pressure-fit shaft/gear tuners (20)
Tenor Guitar Birch Spruce Maple Ebony Ebony MOP dot - 5, 7, 10 White celluloid, top -0- Maple painted black Banjo-style friction (22)
46 (Ukulele) Mahogany Mahogany Mahogany Mahogany Ebony White celluloid dot - 5, 7, 10 White celluloid, top & back -0- Mahogany Friction (23)

Body Sizes - 6
Model Scale Nut width # Frets Head Style Lower Bout Upper Bout Waist Body thickness Body length Total length
24 24" 1 3/4" 18 Slotted, wide taper, squared end 13" 9 1/2" 7 7/8" Lower - 4"
Upper - 3"
18 1/8" 36 1/4"
82 (?) 25" 1 3/4" 20 Slingerland 15 5/8" 11 1/2" 11" Lower - 4 3/16"
Upper - 3 1/2"
19" 40 1/4"
"Jumbo" 74 25" 1 11/16" 19 Slotted, wide taper, rounded end 15 3/8" 11 1/4" 9 5/8" Lower - 5 3/4"
Upper - 4 3/4"
19" 39 1/8"

Body Materials - 6
Model Back/Sides Top Neck Fingerboard Nut Inlay Binding Tailpiece Bridge Tuners
24 Mahogany Mahogany Maple Maple stained black Bone MOP dot - 5, 7, 9 None -0- Replacement, bone saddle Replacement 3-on-a-plate
82 (?) Mahogany Spruce Mahogany Rosewood Bone MOP dot - 3, 5, 7, 9, 12, 15, 17 White celluloid, top and back Hinged extended Rosewood, bone saddle Unknown 3-on-a-plate (01)
"Jumbo" 74 Birch Spruce Maple Maple stained black Bone MOP dot - 5, 7, 9, 12 White celluloid, top & back Solid trapeze Rosewood, bone saddle Unknown 3-on-a-plate (26)

Click here to open a page showing all the various tuning machines used on the instruments.  Numbers next to tuners in these tables refer to pictures on that page.

     These pages ©, written, and maintained by Dave Kolars, DeKalb, IL 60115.
     e-Mail me at:

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